Nike Pacer running short review & presents to myself

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I am no running short expert. I started running in November 2012 in the winter-weather-prone state of Illinois, and have only had one opportunity to run outside with shorts.  I just recently started running at the gym, and thus, just recently started caring about running shorts.  I have a few pairs from my pre-running days that I would wear to exercise classes, but I guess I just didn't have the same standards for those.  Anyway, that was a long and unnecessary introduction to my review on my favorite new running shorts. 
My mom gave me the Nike Pacer running shorts in black for Christmas. They are pretty similar to the Nike Tempo shorts that are very popular, except they have a slightly larger band and have a slightly lower rise (see someone elses' comparison).  I have a few hand-me-down Tempo shorts and I hands down (see what I did there?) prefer the Pacer style.  I think the Nike Pacers fit my 5'2"/narrow but hippy frame much better.  I don't have any pictures of me in the Tempos, but I went to Dick's last night to buy another pair of these Pacers and took a few photos. For reference, these are XS (I'm 5'2", 105-108lbs)

 I like the low rise, especially on my shorter build. I also like the fact that I can roll them or not roll them---they work both ways.  Sometimes I think rolling looks so high school but I don't mind it in these shorts.  I wore them today to the gym, and was really cool and took a picture for you (below). Question, do you guys wear underwear when you have built in underwear lining in the shorts? 
Wearing: GapFit Motion racer tank in powerful blue (here); 
Nike Pacer shorts (here); Garmin 210 watch & foot pod (here)

Now onto other important matters.  I like to reward myself for reaching certain milestones in running by purchasing workout clothes/gear that I've had my eyes on. It helps keep me motivated to reach the goals and makes me feel confident and happy while running.  My 10k running plan has me running 5 miles in a few weeks (first time ever going that far!).  I found a pair of shorts at Dicks last night that I think will be my 5-mile present.  They are the 3" Nike Energy shorts.  I am not completely sold on how short they are, but I like how they feel. 
Gahhh those socks are so bad. 

Do you reward yourself with anything when you reach your running goals? 


  1. I got here because I was asking the same question about undies with running shorts -- I've been using shorts with a built in liner for some time with underwear, and a few days ago I finally ditched them and they are SO much more comfortable. Not sure what other people's experiences have been but I think I'll go without from now on. Plus no lines!

    1. Thanks for commenting! I stopped wearing them too--it is WAY more comfortable! :)


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