10k Training Report: Week 4

Monday, February 4, 2013

Another week down and I have stuck to the 10k training plan.  I was kind of dreading writing this post today because all I have done lately is write posts reviewing my training...zzzz ;)

Without further ado, this is how the week went:

Prescribed: Easy run for 25 mins
Ran: 2.63 miles outside in 26 minutes (9'54" pace).  This run was horrible very interesting because I had just eaten two large enchiladas and then realized that I had to get a run in. So I ran with a belly full of Mexican food.  It didn't sit well.  It was also a bit hard to breath because it was so foggy and warm! Crazy weather here in Illinois.  Funny thing, I wore regular mascara and when I was done with my run, I looked like I was having a nervous breakdown with mascara all over my eyes.
(Took this lovely picture here after cleaning up the mascara. Still have some dew hair from the fog)

Prescribed: Easy cross train
Did: Jillian Michael's 6-week sixpack.  You are supposed to do it 5x a week (aka 30 times total).  At this rate, I will have a 6 pack in 30 weeks.  Also, have I ever mentioned that I hate burpees? Well if I haven't, let's take notice here. I hate burpees.

Prescribed: 3 miles + 4-5 striders, speed workout
Ran: 3.09 miles at an 8:16 pace (took a break in between miles 2 and 3). I didn't exactly follow the workout but I did complete the 3 miles and did go for speed. Got my new Garmin 210 watch! (WOO, will review it later).  I also did a one-hour fitness class, "deep water exercise." It was pretty much water running and water weights in the deep end. Fun, but the water got kind of cold toward the end.

Prescribed: 25 minutes easy
Ran: 2.63 at a 9'32" pace on the apartment treadmill.  It may be the case that I was running a bit slower. I was using my Garmin footpod.  The pace felt comfortable to me, and being the out of shape person I am, I am not convinced I can comfortably run that fast in an "easy" run. Who knows!


Prescribed: 4 mile long run at easy pace
Ran: 4.25 miles in 41:34 (9'46" pace). Wanted to do a little extra since next week is 4.5.  The treadmill said I was going about 40 seconds slower per mile, but I used the footpod time because I always find treadmills to be off a bit. Also, the footpod was pretty spot on during my indoor track run. Anyone else have input on this?

Homework allll dayyyy + Superbowl.  Also, I made Neon Blonde Runner's cake batter dip for the Superbowl and it was a big hit!  It was delish and I will be making a second batch this week.  I keep telling myself that the greek yogurt makes it a great source of protein.....


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