What running gadgets do you use?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hi, my name is Paige and I have obsessive tendencies. I obsess about my grades, my outfits, the grey hairs that I am getting (I'm 25, wth?), and how to bake the most fluffy cookies in the land.  ANYWAY, it should come as no surprise that I have some tendencies when it comes to my new hobby of running. 

I like to track how far and how fast I run.  Why?  No idea, considering I don't run very far and I most definitely do not run very fast. Regardless, this is something that I like to do and analyze and obsess about.  In order to feed into this obsession, I generally use the Nike+ GPS app on my phone.  I like it because it tells me where I went, my pace, my total time, and it even gives me updates in my ear as I go.  

As of late, though, this phone app just isn't cutting it for me.  For starters, I am getting annoyed with wearing my phone on a band on my arm.  Nasty alert: I sweat a lot and it starts getting wet and heavy and eew gross.  Also, now that I am running for more than 30 minutes at a time, my already-horrible android phone battery is having trouble keeping up.  I've had my phone die multiple times, and while the Nike+ support has changed my time/distance on the Nike+ page, I think they are on their last limb with me.  Finally, I don't think the Nike+ app is very accurate, especially with indoor running.  For instance, I ran with my friend Jen at the gym today, and we both used our Nike+ phone app.  We pressed start and end at the same time. Her app said 3.15 miles at 9:55 pace. My app said 2.91 miles at 10:41 pace. Let me clear the air by saying that Jen does not have Edward Cullen capabilities to lap me without me knowing. This means that the app is off, pretty bad! Being off one minute per mile is bad! How am I supposed to correctly obsess about my time and distance?!?!

So...what to do?

I'm considering getting a Garmin GPS watch with a foot pod. (Specifically Garmin FR 210). I've read reviews that this is a great watch for indoor and outdoor use and highly accurate. Specifically, the foot pod for the Garmin tracks cadence and steps so it gives a more accurate account of indoor running. The downside(s)? Price ($245+) and I would have to use Garmin Connect, which may or may not be a good thing. I like the prettiness of the Nike+ website and how it tracks my goals, but I know the Garmin Connect has a lot of nice features too.

I've also considered getting the Nike Sportwatch. I don't think it is as accurate indoors though, and I also am not sure of how sturdy it is.  I've read a few reviews of people's Nike watches dying in a year or so, which is not what I want obviously.  Also, I read somewhere that the Nike watch doesn't log miles that aren't completed? So if you run 3.99 miles it says 3.0 miles? What? It can't be. One upside to this watch though is that the foot pods AND the watch are much cheaper than the Garmin 210 and I can also stick with the Nike+ website.

What running gadgets do you use, and what do you like/dislike about them?

1 comment:

  1. Everyone seems to love their Garmins!! I think its worth it. I for some reason got a Timex Ironman GPS watch instead but its the same thing. Mine is scarily accurate with distance so I love it :)


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