Sooo today was weird. Weird in a good way though. I went to the gym to run on the track, and I brought my handy phone with Nike+ app. I started running at a pace that felt pretty fast for me. Not sprinting or anything but not my normal jog. My phone told me that I was running at a 10:44/mi pace. I didn't feel like I was going at that pace, but I have learned not to question how slow I am. After one minute, when I had done a bit over one lap on the track, my phone said that I had run 0.09 miles. I thought that was a little weird because the track is a 200 meter (0.125 mile) track, so I kept a vague watch on how many laps and how long they took. Each lap took me pretty much one minute. After running for 8 minutes, then, I had done 8 laps. This is what my phone said:
(See my phone battery? Sucks)
Not wanting to believe that my phone could be so off, I decided to go for another mile at that pace. I used my Nike+ app but decided to just count the laps and use the gym clock timer.
Amazed that I could run a mile in 8 minutes and confused at how off my Nike+ app really was, I asked someone who worked at the gym if the track was actually 200 meters. Yep. And I know how to count, I did 8. So today, I ran two 8-minute miles! I can't believe it. I know for some, this is super slow. But for me, I am just so happy!! I used to run much faster than that in high school, but since I've picked up running this year, I've been stuck in 10-min-mile land (good place, don't get me wrong). I think knowing that I can run faster than a 10 min mile is going to help me motivate myself to get in better shape so that I can sustain that pace for longer than one mile. I'm still happy with my goal of running the 10k in April at or around a 10 minute mile pace, but this gives me a little more confidence that I can maybe be faster in the months and years ahead.
(You have not seen icky until you have seen me after a Cardio H2O class and running)
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