I'm sticking with my 10k training plan and have successfully completed week three. Week three was pretty interesting because it upped the ante for running time and distance compared to weeks one and two. Week three called for:
This is how it went:
Prescribed: 25 minutes "easy"
Ran: 25 minutes, not so easy, but FUN, at the gym with my friends Sarah and Jen who are doing the 10k with me.

Prescribed: Easy cross train or off.
Did: 40 minute easy Cardio H2O class (my new favorite class, its so easy but so fun), AND a hardcore 1-hr core class after that where we did squats and planks until I thought I was going to die. I was SO SORE.
Prescribed: 30 minutes running + 3-4 striders.
Ran: 30 minute at unknown pace or distance. Approximately 3 miles. (My friend also used her Nike+ and ours were .25 mile off each so that was kind of curious). Three 100-meter striders.
Prescribed: 25 mins
Ran/Did: Cardio H2O class again. Then did some running at a different gym. Ran two 8-minute miles, did a total of about 2.6 miles.
Prescribed: OFF
Prescribed: 4 mile long run.
Did: 4 mile trail run as part of fun run/race. Details to come! Average pace: 10:06.
Prescribed: Optional Cross Train
Doing: NOTHING. Homework all day!
In reflection of my week, I feel like I have improved from week 1, where running one mile was getting to be pretty tiring after taking a few weeks off due to finals. I think after 16 weeks of this training plan, I will hopefully be more than ready for a 10k! :)
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