I'm doing an ironman...nbd

Sunday, March 3, 2013

It actually IS no big deal. I'm doing an "ironman" over the course of a month as a part of my gym's triathlon challenge.  So, in 30 days, I have to swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, and run 26 miles. 

(I even got this nifty piece of paper to fill out my miles, old school style). 

It was not until starting this triathlon challenge that I realized how much I hateeeeee riding the indoor bike.  I've never done a spin class, is that different?

I took the above picture yesterday.  Obviously, I'm highly lacking in the bike miles department.  So today, my friend had the bright idea that I bike alongside him during his long run, and then afterward, I run the rest of the way for my long run (this will hereafter be referred to as "worst idea ever.")  So what ended up happening was me riding on my mountain bike for 18.6 miles with a million layers on and it being 24 degrees outside.  I wanted to kill everyone.  And afterward, I had to do the run home because there was no way I would do another inch on the bike, and we were exactly 5 miles from home. I h-a-d t-o d-o i-t.  When we got home, I was so pooped I could have collapsed. How do people seriously do that on a regular basis? Gahhh

Honestly, the worst part might have been the pain I endured from that dang bike seat.  The bike seat was so hard and skinny and jammed in places that should never be jammed. I have bruises in places that shouldn't be bruised! I think I need to get a cushioned seat cover AND those special biking shorts with the padding.  Today was just not okay!

I learned recently that today's workout is referred to as a "brick." Bricks are pretty much where you do two different types of workouts back-to-back (e.g. biking/running; swimming/biking, etc.).  While I intend to do more brick workouts, I don't think I will be doing ones this intense in the future! Hope you all had a good weekend, time for me to pass out!


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