Okay so my last workout post was about an "11 week" workout plan... which I really just made to get myself on track with working out. I've been keeping a decent schedule with exercising, and recently started running with some neighbors a few times per week. One of my neighbors is training for a half marathon, and she asked if I wanted to join in the training. She's doing a half marathon in September, that I can't go to unfortunately due to a wedding, but I thought it would be "fun" to try to keep up with her training.
So far, things are going pretty good! I don't really have a plan for training (I think she is loosely following a Hal Higdon novice plan), but I try to do 2-3 three-mile runs during the week, and a longer run on the weekend. I planed to start at 4 miles and increase mileage by .5-1 mile per week for the long runs. Eventually I would like to increase my weekday mileage at least one day per week as well.
May 5-11:
Monday - Ultimate Conditioning class for an hour (tabata)
Tuesday - Early a.m. run. 2.02 miles @ 9:48 pace before work. Ran with the crazy dog
Wednesday - Early a.m. run. 3.3 miles @ 10:30 pace before work. No dog {thank god! shes crazy}
Thursday - Nada
Friday - After work 2.14 miles @ 10:57 easy pace. Ran with the dog! She got pretty tired...
("I'll just sleep here forever, thanks")
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 4.31 miles @ 11:46 pace. This run killed me. Not sure exactly why seeing as it was so slow, but I was useless. I'm glad I got the run done at least?
May 12-18:
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Skipped U/C class. Had a work meeting and then work family event. Specifically, I got to take my awesome nephew and sister to a mini putt/arcade place. Loved it
Wednesday- Early a.m. run w/ neighbors. 3.44 miles @ 11:50 pace.
Thursday- Rest
Friday - Rest... I actually was probably not resting any of those rest days. I had a crazy week at work and its Sunday night right now and I'm still trying to crank out a bunch of work!
Saturday - 2.77 miles @ 10:49 pace w/ Gracie.
Sunday - Lurie's Children 5k in Chicago with my friend. We stayed out kind of late in Chicago and questioned our ability to run this thing, but we ended up doing well! We started out slowly but definitely picked up the pace at the end. We thought we were sprinting the last .1 but they were tricky and the race was actually 3.17. Sneaky sneaky.
My friend and I took a picture at the end of the race. Nbd, my eyes are closed and I'm looking extra fabulous ;)
Check out the shoes? I got those so long ago. Time for a new pair?! (Rhetorical question).
I didn't have a chance to do my long run this weekend so I will hopefully make up for it on Monday or Tuesday. On the down side, my knee is bothering me and I am really hoping the pain will go away after some quality foam rolling. Its the inside of my knee so I don't think IT band. Not really sure!
On the up side, I went to Whole Foods today for maybe the second time in my entire life. I'm obviously living under a rock. It was awesome there and now I see why people get kind of obsessed. I bought a bunch of food from their deli section that they put in containers and I can bring into work this week. I couldn't wait though and I dug into this Kale + tomato + dried cranberry salad today while doing some work.
Looking forward to another week and some more miles!