On the bright side...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Complainer Alert (If you don't want to see me complaining, skip down to paragraph 2) Went out for a run this morning and I was just not feeling it. I was so wiped out. I started walking after six minutes, and then did a walk/run for the rest of it.  I probably ran 2/3 of the total distance.  My legs felt like lead, and breathing was difficult.  The weather has been great here the past few days, but I guess I forgot that means I don't have to wear long-sleeves and two layers.  So all in all I felt like crap and wanted to end my run about 5 minutes in. 

On the bright side, I continued the run and sucked it up.  I pushed through the crappy feeling and told myself that I would just walk when I needed to.  This led to me going my farthest distance "running" yet (3.26 mi).  I don't feel totally smug about that considering how much I walked, but still, its nice to see an increase in the numbers.  Especially with my goal of running farther this month. 

I guess the motto"fake it 'til you make it" really applies to me. I am going to have to push through it and walk/run a bit as I get myself in shape to be a better runner!  How do you push through the hard days? Any tips?


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